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What we've done already.

SU4E non-profit works directly with the mahouts, (elephant  caretakers) who are among the poorest in  Nepalese society. We aim both to improve  their living conditions and to increase their knowledge about the needs of elephants  and the care they need. By working in this  way, directly with the community, SU4E  hopes to bring about a gradual change in  current methods and to design a future  without elephant exploitation.  

Mahouts in Nepal are now at the  bottom of the social ladder, abused and  underpaid, due to the traditional caste  system. At the SU4E HOME, in addition to a better salary, they  are also provided with life and health  insurance, as well as contributions being  made regularly towards the school fees of  their children.


Since 2014, SU4E has been helping the mahouts working in the village by providing them clothes, free haircuts and shaving coupons, emergency help for their families... restoring a sense of self respect.

Actions for 2025.

In 2025, SU4E will continue to help the mahouts of the village as in previous years. If you want to participate in this action, just click on the button below!
By helping the mahouts, you are helping captive Asian elephants!

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